"I have an ex-racehorse that I've been rehabbing with kissing spine. He also has a very very sensitive stomach (colics often) and previously had ulcers. About 3 weeks ago, he got a very bad stomach because of the unusual situation at the moment with grass growth so I put him on Good2Go. Within a couple of days he was so much better and continued to improve. I then ordered some more but saw the product GutPlus™, which I thought might suit him even better so I messaged Horseward to see if I could exchange. They were absolutely brilliant, even giving me the product for the same price which was very kind of them. So he has been on GutPlus™ for 3 days and omg what a huge difference! I went for a showjumping lesson last night and for the first time jumped a full course with no rearing, bounding on the spot, galloping at jumps with no control. He was like a different horse, even trotting into jumps (which is unheard of). Needless to say I had to get off and cried like a baby (it's been a very hard long journey!)
Thank you so much and I'd advise anyone to try this product because I've tried everything in the 4 years with this horse and I mean everything and nothing has come close. We're on an up whoop whoop!"
ulcers, had ongoing back issues and long term NSAID use.
“I contacted Rhoni at Horseward who was extremely helpful. She recommended GutPlus™ and GoldenPowerPlus™ as a combination that already has a good track record at helping horses with musculo-skeletal issues and (probably pain related!) gastric ulcers. The products arrived promptly and after just a couple of days I was already noticing changes in the front fetlock!!
“A few days later however the back fetlocks started to swell. I was confident it wasn't due to infection or injury so I contacted Rhoni again, as it coincided with the introduction of the Horseward supplements. Again Rhoni was extremely helpful and suspected that the supplements were tackling his systemic inflammation and he was starting to detox. This was putting extra demands on his liver and causing his lymph system to struggle. She assured me that this was probably a really promising sign and immediately sent me out a lymph/ liver support mix. To my amazement, after only 3 doses the swelling in the hind fetlocks has cleared!!
Kath B
“On a combination of GutPlus™ and GoldenPowerPlus™, Fuego no longer looks permanently pregnant, he is much happier to be ridden, is sounder and generally much happier. Thank you so much!”