By Rhoni from Horseward
Horseward is loving playwright Chris Salt’s sequence of “dog plus dinner” photos this week featuring the remarkable, twenty-year-old Blodwyn.
Blod is a bit of a force of nature. She’s always loved her daily walk in the woods but by the time she was eighteen she was getting pretty stiff, to the point that she was even starting to struggle getting around the house. Her family were at the stage of really starting to question her quality of life. They decided to try her on Horseward’s natural anti-inflammatory Golden Power Plus and started added the powder to her food twice a day. The difference was almost immediate. “She started running up the stairs and jumping on the sofa,” remembers Chris, not altogether pleased with these outcomes for a dog who had been trained to stay downstairs and keep off the furniture. The family soon got used to her renewed agility and a few weeks later ran out of Golden Power Plus. Blodwyn promptly ran out of get up and go. Within a couple of days of stopping the supplement she had to be carried back from her daily walk. She basically seized up. We posted out an emergency supply and within a couple of days of restarting her GPP she was as good as new and now at twenty enjoys her walks as much as ever.
Long may she trot on and we’re looking forward to the next set of dog/ dinner photographs!